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Proactive and Digital Environmental Approach

Erasmus+ Small Scale Partnership

November 2023- October 2024

Partners: EDUCANET Highchool (CZ), Gradinita nr 1 kindergarten (RO), Arılı Middle School (TR) FOMÜBİRLİK NGO (TR) 


The project focuses on enhancing environmental competence among staff, students, and administrators in participating institutions and their communities. Activities include transnational meetings, educational initiatives, and the creation of a digital modular curriculum for environmental awareness. Aligned with priorities such as combating climate change and promoting digital skills, the project emphasizes sustainable practices and responsible resource consumption. Digitalization efforts during the pandemic drive the preparation of digital course materials for environmental education. Transnational meetings will contribute to developing a digital Modular Curriculum of Environmental Education. Target groups include staff, teachers, administrators, students, and their families, to disseminate project outputs locally and globally. The project aims to elevate digital competencies among staff and enhance digital literacy for students exposed to the created course materials, fostering proactive environmentalists and extending environmental awareness beyond institutional boundaries.

Environmental and Sustainable Education Approach in Gifted Classroom 

Erasmus + Expert Speaker 2022-1-TR01-KA122-SCH-000079302. 

February 19-22, 2024  Izmir, Turkey


During Andrew's visit to Izmir, Turkey, the training focused on equipping teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively educate gifted students. The sessions covered a range of topics, starting with the significance of environmental awareness education for gifted students and strategies for creating a collaborative classroom environment despite enriched educational content. The training also delved into the preparation of enriched content and activities tailored to the specific interests and abilities of gifted students, offering practical workshops for implementation. Furthermore, teachers were introduced to various tools and materials suitable for addressing the needs of gifted students in the classroom. Workshops were conducted to develop these resources and guide teachers on their use, emphasizing the integration with enriched content and activities designed to engage and challenge gifted students effectively. The overall goal of the visit was to empower teachers to enhance the educational experience for gifted students through a combination of theoretical insights and practical applications.

Become a Digital Content Designer

Public Worshop in cooperation with EDUCANET Praha Highschool

February, 2024


This course is designed for ambitious young students aged 15-18 who aspire not only to be digital content creators but also to carve their own entrepreneurial path. Focused on cultivating skills crucial for today's online landscape, participants will delve into managing social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Additionally, they will master the art of creating compelling visuals, including Photoshopped images, marketing posters, and banners. The curriculum places special emphasis on crafting professional layouts for pages and developing impactful promotional materials. By the course's conclusion, students will gain a heightened awareness of the professional demands and expectations within the entrepreneurial realm, equipping them with the skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of digital content creation and business ownership.

Healthy Aging and Connection Workshops

Public Support Group Project 

February, 2024, Czech Republic


Retirement need not be synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle. Numerous engaging classes cater to seniors, and this month, our emphasis lies in fostering connections between the younger and older generations. The objective is to discover a shared language, challenging the notion that they cannot coexist harmoniously. Through multi-generational workshops, we aim to bridge the gap created by decades of distinct educational and cultural backgrounds. These workshops encompass diverse activities such as storytelling, drawing, board games, and traditional pursuits aimed at fostering meaningful intergenerational bonds.

Senior Safety Adult Education 

January - June 2024, Prague, Czech Republic


SeniorSafety Adult Education is a comprehensive six-session program dedicated to instructing and assisting senior citizens in matters of personal, home, digital, and financial safety. The project delves deeply into essential topics such as selecting a reputable locksmith to avoid exploitation, navigating encounters with dubious marketers to safeguard personal information, leveraging digital technology for enhanced privacy and seamless communication with loved ones, and gaining proficiency in accessing modern applications. Additionally, the program equips seniors with the knowledge to stay abreast of current trends in Bitcoin and other blockchain currencies. The primary objective of this initiative is to empower senior citizens, fostering a sense of safety and community integration. Through a combination of educational content and emotional and social support, the SeniorSafety Adult Education project aims to enhance the well-being of seniors, enabling them to navigate the challenges of the modern world with confidence.


Student Development Detection System and Positive School Climate Project


Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in adult education, 2021-1-TR01-KA220-SCH-000032726 

November, 2023 - Spain


Third mobility for the remarkable project focusing on the Student Development Detection System and Positive School Climate Project with Innovative Digital Applications. Collaborating with the Slow Tech Institute (Czech Republic), Helix Helezon (Vienna, Austria), Milmoh (Malaga, Spain), and the Turkish Ministry of National Education (Ankara, Turkey), we convened to explore the optimal ways to equip parents, students, and teachers with a modern, user-friendly app. This app not only gathers student grades but also integrates testing, addresses mistakes, and enhances overall student motivation and performance.

Sustainable Education

Erasmus+ Full Accreditation Lecture Speaker 
November 2023, Aksarai, Turkey


It is a privilege for us to have received an invitation from the Ministry of Education to attend a 3-day lecture and workshop event in Aksarai, Turkey, led by Andrew Critchlow. The program centered around Sustainable Education - Eat Healthy, Be Active, Be Aware and involved delivering lectures to local educators and professionals, as well as conducting small group workshops with chosen students at the Aksaray Spor Lisesi, Fine Arts High School in Aksaray. The event concluded with a visit to a local waste management facility, showcasing a state-of-the-art ecological system designed to eliminate waste and pollution.

Conference Finanční gramotnost do škol (Financial Literacy into Schools) Prague, Czech Republic

October, 2023
Prague, Czech Republic
The Professional Conference for Teachers was an enriching and insightful event that addressed a myriad of topics and questions that had arisen throughout the year. Together with esteemed guest speakers, we embarked on a journey to seek answers to these pressing issues. One of the focal points was exploring the latest trends in teaching financial literacy and fostering entrepreneurship development within school curriculums, showcasing exemplary practices from around the world. The conference was tailored for teaching staff in primary and secondary schools, as well as experts from the realms of education, the business sector, and the wider professional community. Engaging discussions revolved around key themes such as effective strategies in teaching financial literacy, the preparation of future educators in this domain, and education's role in shaping the future. Furthermore, the conference hosted a stimulating panel discussion on teachers' internships and study/work abroad programs, culminating in an introduction to the exciting Project Financial Literacy for Schools Technology in Education. It was a transformative experience in advancing education and equipping our students with vital life skills.

Student Development Detection System and Positive School Climate Project

Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in adult education

October, 2023 - Vienna, Austria

Another fruitful meeting with our partners via the SlowTeach Institute in Vienna, Austria. Over several days, we engaged in discussions regarding strategies to offer parents, students, and teachers a contemporary and user-friendly application. Our Turkish collaborators showcased their latest creation – a modern, professional, easily accessible, and manageable mobile app. This app not only tracks student grades but also integrates testing, addresses mistakes, and strives to improve overall student motivation and performance.

Schoolink Conference

September 2023, 
Brno, Czech Republic

Main Speaker: Mgr.Bohumil Kartous Ph.D, author of No Future: Vezeme děti na parním stroji do virtuální reality? (2019)


The SchooLink conference is the flagship event of the House of Foreign Cooperation, Czech Republic (Domu zahraniční spolupráce) in the field of school education. This year's edition has the subtitle International Projects of High Quality and Modernity. The program is aimed at supporting organizations involved in the Erasmus+ program and improving the quality of implemented projects. We will focus on topics such as project management, financial management, quality standards, artificial intelligence, the implementation of long-term mobility, or the use of eTwinning in projects. 

Student Development Detection System and Positive School Climate Project


Erasmus+ Small-scale partnerships in adult education, 2021-1-TR01-KA220-SCH-000032726

August, 2023 Prague, Czech Republic


Student Development Detection System and Positive School Climate Project with Innovative Digital Applications - In cooperation with Slow Tech Institute (Czech Republic), Helix Helezon (Vienna, Austria), Milmoh (Malaga, Spain), and Turkish Ministry of National Education (Ankara, Turkey). It is a two-year project in which partners from Turkey, Austria, Spain, and the Czech Republic jointly create an integrated system of digital applications for the intelligent evaluation of learning outcomes and the design of suitable activation techniques for use in the Turkish basic education system.

Modern Practices in Innovative Teaching Methods

Erasmus+ Full Accreditation Lecture Speaker 2021-1-TR01-KA121-SCH-000064465

April, 2023

Kars, Turkey


We are honored to have received an invitation from the Kars Provincial Directorate of National Education to share our expertise on the EU educational system and pioneering teaching methodologies. Our presentation will spotlight the integration of innovative teaching methods in the context of digitalization and gamification, with a special emphasis on their role in fostering inclusivity and supporting students with special needs. We look forward to engaging in meaningful dialogue and contributing insights that promote effective and equitable education for all learners in Kars and beyond.